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Our fight for a better world, a free world, beyond war, relies on the freedom of Julian Assange and we need you to be in on this fight!

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Are You In the US? Call Your Rep!

Call your representatives to sign onto H.Res. 934!

  • Here is a sample script:

    “My name is [NAME] and I live in [CITY/STATE].

    I am contacting you to ask Rep [NAME] to cosponsor H.Res 934, which urges the Department of Justice to drop all charges against Julian Assange.

    Press freedom groups, mainstream publishers, and human rights organizations around the world oppose the U.S. prosecution of Julian Assange.

    Prosecuting Assange threatens the First Amendment. If Assange is convicted, future administrations could use the precedent to prosecute journalists for doing their job by publishing truthful information.

    I believe that journalism is not a crime. I am asking Rep. [NAME] to stand up for press freedom by signing on as a cosponsor of H. Res. 934. Let Julian Assange go free!”

Jodie Sard
MP Program Development Manager

Tel: +61 (0) 423428033

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Account Name: Stella Assange Store
Account Number: 63189104
Sort Code: 08-92-50

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