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Streaming on Youtube.  

The Fight for my husband, Julian Assange continues

UNITED STATES – We Need Your Help.
Call your representatives to sign onto H.Res. 934!
Read more here. Find your Representative here

Check out this map of Julian Assange’s Journalism awards, accolades and honorary citizenships from all around the world.

Join the Meet your MP program. Click here.

Do you want to support Freedom of Speech and help Free Assange but don't know where to start?

This toolkit includes some priority actions to hit the ground running today

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Julian’s Legal Fees

We can’t hope to stop the extradition of Julian Assange without legal support. Our opponents have got plenty of it. But we rely on you.

Why Julian Assange SHOULDN’T BE EXTRADITED to the United States

Julian Assange is NOT a US Citizen

Support Stella’s Campaign
Subscribe to her Substack

Join The Fight . Stand Up For Julian . Stand Up For Yourself


Join The Fight . Stand Up For Julian . Stand Up For Yourself .

What Supporters Have Said